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Can You Use an Electric Wheelchair in The Rain

Views: 70     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-03-04      Origin: Site

Can You Use an Electric Wheelchair in The Rain

Precipitation has reached its highest level in some areas today, and some low-lying sections have been flooded, causing some cars to soak. In fact, in this season, many places are rainy seasons, often raining for a long time, so that the air is humid, the appliances are damp and even rain. 

For elderly friends who use electric wheelchairs, it is important to pay attention to the details of the use of electric wheelchairs to prevent rain or soaking of rain, resulting in damage to the electric wheelchair and affecting the elderly.

electric wheelchair

Driving in an electric wheelchair on a rainy day requires caution. A low-lying low-lying water will accumulate water. An electric wheelchair is just as uncomfortable as a car.

Because the electric wheelchair is lighter in weight, the distance between the motor and the battery is relatively low, and the height from the ground is 10-20 cm. If you smash from deep water, it will cause short circuit of electrical appliances or even cause fire, which will bring hidden dangers to your safety. Under normal circumstances, if you are experiencing heavy rain, it is strongly recommended to find a place with a higher altitude to temporarily shelter from the rain or wait for the help of your family. Do not drive in heavy rain. It is neither safe nor easy to cause damage to the electric wheelchair. It is also harmful to the body like a chicken.

The core components of the electric wheelchair are precision instruments. Although they are waterproof, they are still afraid of moisture. For example, electric wheelchair controllers, motors, electromagnetic brakes, wheelchair bearings, transmission mechanisms, etc. are prone to rust in long-term humidity, which eventually leads to electric wheelchair failure. If the electric wheelchair is stored in the open air, remove the battery and place it indoors. If your electric wheelchair is raining, don't rush to turn on the power, because once it is connected, it may cause a short circuit. Before starting, you should go to a professional electric wheelchair maintenance organization for professional testing and use after dehumidification. Doing so may cause problems such as short circuit, damage to the controller, and damage to the motor.

power wheelchair

Foicare reminds seniors to use electric wheelchairs during the rainy season. Pay attention to the following issues:

1.  During the rainy season, try not to leave the electric wheelchair outdoors, so as not to get wet. If there is no way to be placed outdoors, the entire electric wheelchair must be covered with a material such as a poncho. In order to prevent rain from drenching the electric wheelchair, the circuit system is faulty.

2.  When possible, try to drive the electric wheelchair directly into your home, especially for users with elevators. It is safer to drive the electric wheelchair directly into your home through the elevator. If there is no such environment, try to avoid placing the electric wheelchair on a low-lying ground or a space such as a basement that may enter the water to avoid flooding caused by heavy rain.

3. In the rainy season, drive the electric wheelchair out, remember not to drive on the water section. If you must wading forward, be careful not to let the water level exceed the height of the motor. If the water level is too deep, you should rather bypass or risk wading. If the motor is flooded, it is likely to cause circuit failure or even motor scrap, which seriously affects the use of electric wheelchairs.

4. We recommend: Try not to drive an electric wheelchair during the rainy season to ensure safety first!

foldable electric wheelchair

In addition, during the daily use of electric wheelchairs, we remind you to pay attention to:

1.    Never drive your electric wheelchair to violate national and local traffic regulations.

2.    Do not make sharp turns during high-speed driving. The electric wheelchair that is running should be decelerated to below 2km/h before steering.

3.    People with mental disorders and unresponsiveness are strictly forbidden; those who are unable to use the upper limbs and who have difficulty in operation are strictly prohibited.

4.    Do not get on or off the electric wheelchair when the power is on or when the handbrake is not braked; do not park the electric wheelchair on the slope; do not turn or turn on the slope.

5.    When going up and down the slope, you should drive along the slope direction, not perpendicular to the slope, otherwise there is danger of rollover.

6.    Avoid driving on roads with slopes greater than 8 degrees and over obstacles above 4 cm.

7.    Do not use electric wheelchairs on sandstone or soft ground.

8.    Electric wheelchairs should be placed in the normal use.

9.    Do not drive the electric wheelchair to the outside when the electric wheelchair is stopped for a long time or when it is raining, beware of moisture. If you do not use an electric wheelchair for a long time, turn off the power switch.

10. Do not disassemble or modify parts of electric wheelchairs or replace parts that are not manufactured by the factory.

wheel chair  lightweight electric wheelchair

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